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Equipment Guides

build massive forearms like popeye

Developing grip strength is an important part of strength training. Grip strength is necessary for practically every heavy pull; cleans, deadlifts, rows, pull-ups. Not only will strengthening your grip allow you to pull heavier weights, but thicker, stronger forearms will make you look more defined and muscular. Here are some ways you can build massive forearms. [...]

Crossfit Garage Gym

I’m a huge advocate of the CrossFit Garage Gym Movement. Of course I have a gym in my garage and it’s easily my favorite room in the entire house. It’s super convenient, there are no crowds, no driving, no equipment queues, no creeps, and no monthly dues. All the gear is mine and I can [...]

All Kinds of Dumbbells for Sale

Are you looking to add some dumbbells to your home or garage gym? Do you prefer a full set of fixed dumbbells? or maybe some adjustable dumbbells? Do you care if they’re new? Let’s see if I can help you find the right dumbbells at the right price for your gym. Last update: Nov 18, [...]

weight bench ultimate review and shopping guide with comparisons

A weight bench is one of the first pieces of equipment you should buy when setting up a garage gym. A bench is not only needed to perform the barbell bench press and its many variants (which is all the reason you should need to own one), it’s also useful for loads of other common movements such [...]

Bumper Plates Buying Guide - Selecting Weights

Is it time to pick out some Olympic weights for your home or garage gym? Are you not sure which type of plates to buy? Should you buy bumper plates or metal plates?  Where should you buy them? Should you buy your plates brand new or used? Are they expensive to ship, or should you [...]


Building a Garage Gym First Steps

Building a Garage Gym - First steps

So you’re ready to jump on the bandwagon and start building a garage gym? Maybe you are tired of paying good money at the global gym each and every month just to wait in line for one of the few pieces of useful equipment that they offer, or perhaps you’re sick of all the time [...]


Garage Gym Flooring Options

Garage Gym Flooring Options - Rubber Flooring - Reviews and comparisons

So you’re setting up a garage gym and in need of some flooring? Or perhaps you’re already set up with a gym and you’re tired of working out on a concrete slab? Sounds like it’s time to explore some garage gym flooring options. High-quality, durable flooring protects your homes foundation and your expensive exercise equipment, and [...]